Authentic Kingdom Companies are
ONE Body of Companies of Christ.

Business as ONE in Christ App

All believers who work in an authentic kingdom company are not just individual members but a unified body of Christ. This oneness extends beyond our own company walls, connecting us with all believers in the public squares of business. In addition, Jesus did not design His Church to function in business as individual community silos but rather as ONE body. Windows of Heaven Jesus Storehouse is a testament to this, as we function globally as ONE body of many local companies (business assemblies) of Christ, or as the Greek word defines Church: ‘Ekklesia, in the public squares of business.’ 

Authentic Kingdom Companies are not run like a church. They are run like businesses by people who are the Church. (Ekklesia) 

Our online community app, Business as ONE in Christ, unites all people (believers and non-believers) in Windows of Heaven Jesus’ Storehouse of consecrated companies. This storehouse believes and teaches that authentic disciples are ministers of reconciliation; for this reason, we make and unite disciples who have the desire to spiritually learn, grow, and share their lives in community with one another. Through our online community app, we showcase the different cultures, styles, and experiences of living as authentic disciples and ministers of reconciliation in our business spheres of influence. While pursuing a greater fullness as ONE Body of Companies (communities) who participate with God Holy Spirit manifesting Christ in all nation’s public squares of business. 

Restoring! In all nations the PREEMINENCE of JESUS CHRIST in business.

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